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5 Effective Tips To Lose Belly Fat


Has the dreaded “middle age spread” added inches to your waistline? If so, you’re not alone. Sedentary jobs and slowing metabolisms cause many middle-aged individuals to gain weight.

It can be discouraging to find that the foods you ate in your youth without a second thought are now making the scale creep higher and higher. But you don’t have to take it sitting down! Here are some effective weight loss tips for men over the age of 40.

1. Adopt a diet plan that suits to your tastes and budget

You don’t have to sign up for those weight loss programs that provide the food for you. In fact, you’d be better served to learn how to prepare the food yourself.

When you were younger, your hormones did a lot to keep you healthy. After the age of 40, you will need to focus on good nutrition to get the same effect. Avoid starving yourself or limiting your diet too strictly.

You need vitamins and minerals now more than ever. Eat a variety of colorful vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.

Increase your fiber intake to at least 30 grams a day for optimal digestive health. Dehydration can lead to stiff joints, aches and pains, so make sure you’re drinking 64 Oz of water each day as well.

2. Exercise at least 15 minutes a day

Add regular exercises such as brisk walking, running, swimming or dancing. Even doing chores around the house such as sweeping, vacuuming and mopping the floor (your wife would love that!) and washing the car are considered as exercises. Line dancing is also one of the best and more exciting ways to lose those calories! Just choose the ones you’d be more apt to do on a consistent basis. Consistency is key!

A 100 sit-ups a day might help you burn belly fat and develop strong abdominal muscles. The key to losing belly fat and develop the abs you have always wanted is to work your cardiovascular system by performing workouts that engage various muscle groups.

3. Set realistic goals

Weight loss is possible for people young and old, but the sad truth is that it might not happen as fast as you’d like once you reach a certain age.

Don’t expect a rapid reduction in weight. Instead, set a goal of 1 pound per week. Keep a food and exercise journal to track the number of calories you consume and burn each day.

If you’re doing everything right and still not losing weight, talk to your doctor to find out if underlying health problems or medications could be interfering with your weight loss.

4. Keep away from fried and deep-fried foods

These are practically dripping with fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, these white meats contain more fat than when fried than beef does. Go for grilled or broiled food as this contains less fat after cooking. Don’t, however, avoid fat completely. Just use more healthy fat. Extra virgin olive oil is one of the good ones. Still, be conservative in the amount you use.

5. Take a lot of water

Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated. It also helps your body to eliminate body wastes more effectively. This is easily accomplished and there are a number of ways to do it. Keep a bottle of water near your workstation and remind yourself to drink a gulp or two periodically. Keep 5-oz paper cups near the water source and make yourself get up and drink two cups every once in a while. Keep a bottle of water in your car.

Discipline, motivation and persistence are better keys to successful weight loss than a rapid weight loss program. A sensible diet, light and regular exercises and nutritional supplements, when necessary, will give you the body you need.


Get a Six Pack Abs



Many folks would like to know what is the fastest way to get a six pack abs . Whether it’s to get back in shape, impress that hot girl you’ve been after, or be the ultimate icon on your summer beach holiday, nothing oozes masculinity and aesthetic beauty quite like a rock-hard chiseled six pack.Getting a six pack abs is one of the ultimate fitness symbols as it shows dedication in all aspects of your training. Weight lifting on its own may get you big arms, but it’s not the fastest way to get a six pack, so you’ll need a different approach if you want to get chiseled bullet-proof abs. What’s great about a six pack is that you don’t have to be a huge bodybuilder to get one – look at Bruce Lee…he was a small guy by bodybuilding standards, but he had abs like marble. You can too.

By getting a six pack, you’ll not only look like an Adonis, but you’ll feel the benefit in so many ways, because your abdominals support your torso. By training your six pack you’ll improve your posture, standing straighter and thus taking more pressure off your back muscles, thereby preventing future injuries and back problems later in life.

So let’s get started…here are 3 tips on the fastest way to get a six pack.

Fastest Way To Get A Six Pack Abs – Tip No 1 (Build) Change Your Diet

The first and most important thing to do if you’re looking for the fastest way to get a six pack is to change your diet and burn that excess fat right off.

The importance of this step is often overlooked and so ultimately leads to frustration and failure. It doesn’t matter how many crunches you do or how many hours you spend busting your butt in the gym, if you’re eating junk or not focusing on shredding your excess belly fat, you’ll never get the six pack that turns heads. You can have the best and hardest abs in the world, but if they’re covered in a layer of fat, there ain’t nobody that’s gonna see them.

So tip number 1 is eat right, and control your calories. You should be looking to create a caloric deficit, where you take on less calories than you burn. Food choices are really important here as you want to feed the machine that is your body, but you want to give it the right fuel, in the form of slow-release energy-rich foods like oatmeal, green fibrous vegetables, and plenty of lean proteins like chicken breast and good quality organic free-range beef.

Fastest Way To Get A Six Pack Abs – Tip No 2 (Shred) Exercises / Weights

The second thing you have to do if you’re looking for the fastest way to get a six pack is to exercise your abdominals. A solid exercise program including weight training will be important here. Even when you’re exercising another part of your body, focus on keeping your abs tight as you’ll get an extra training boost from this. An example is while doing the chest press exercise…if you keep your abs throughout the exercise, you’ll avoid the possibility of injury, tighten your abs, and improve your technique on the exercise.

Crunches are an all-time fave to get a six pack (try to avoid using an ab roller as they’re not as effective as doing it manually). Do many variations, feet on floor, feet raised etc.

Push-ups and other bodyweight exercises like squat thrusts are some of the simplest and most underused exercises, but equally fantastic ways to get a six pack fast. Much like the example with weight training, by focusing on keeping your ab area tight while doing push ups you’ll supercharge the exercise and get more benefit on your way to a six pack.

Fastest Way To Get A Six Pack Abs – Tip No 3 (Cut) Burn fat with Cardio

So, you’ve watched what you eat and cut out excess fat, you’ve been working your ab area, so now is the time to reveal all! It’s fat burning time!

Cardio exercise is the best way to burn off the excess fat on your body, and reveal the amazing six pack underneath. This is where the pros get the “cut” look that is so impressive. Have you ever seen those skinny guys who don’t work out, don’t have any muscle but have a six pack? Well, it’s ‘cos they have low body fat. Cardio will help you do that, but with your better diet and exercise routines you’ll blow those guys out of the water! 

Obviously running, cycling, swimming, and high intensity sports like basketball, tennis and soccer that rely on short quick sprints are top of the list as cardio exercises. But the key to all of them is reaching what is your “fat burning zone”. This is the point at which your body seriously begins to burn the stored fat reserves and reveal your super six pack.

The Karvonen formula is used to work out your own personal fat burning zone, based on heart rate, age etc. Most gym equipment will show you the heart-rate etc, you should be aiming for to achieve your optimum fat-burning zone, but working it out on your own will come in handy. There are many Karvonen calculators on the internet that are free to use.

Bonus Tip

Here’s an extra bonus tip on the fastest way to get a six pack abs. Did you know that by delaying your meal for up to an hour or more after your workouts you can maximize the fat burning potential, by making your body use up it’s fat reserves instead of introducing new food for it to process and derive energy from? Try to incorporate this into your routine to get extra “cut” and get that six pack faster, but always remember to eat well, drink plenty of fluids and rest appropriately after your workouts…don’t use this as an excuse to starve yourself, and you’ll get the six pack of your dreams faster than you imagined.

10 Simple Steps to Get Six Pack and a Ripped Chiseled Body


10 Simple Steps to Get Six Pack

Six pack abs have been a constant craze among men and women for a long time now. People are under the impression that to have an impressive physique; you need to live your life in the gym.

Living this hectic lifestyle of today, it is almost next to impossible to take time out to concentrate on those abs. However, there are simple methods that can help you get flat abs and get rid of that belly fat. In fact, listed below are some straightforward and simple ideas that would help you get a six-pack stomach that you want.

1. Avoid having lunch, dinners and breakfast while watching the TV. Studies show that our mind and body will focus on the film and television show, unmindful of the quantity of food intake at that time. Chances of overeating while watching your favorite drama and thriller are more.

2. Breakfast is the principal meal of the day. As we wake up, the metabolism of our body accelerates and fat starts to burn. It is important to intake proper nutritious food to deal with the daily activities. People also tend to overeat the next meal once they have skipped breakfast in an attempt to fill the energy void felt.

3. Regular eating habits keep the stomach working in perfect condition. Irregular meals allow the stomach to release digestive juices at wrong times thus increasing hunger pangs.

4. Water is essential for any person doing a workout as they tend to sweat more and need hydration. The more water you drink, the better. It is not necessary to follow the regime of intake of only eight glasses of water. You could take in more as required. A well-hydrated body has regular fat burning and body metabolic process.

5. Milk is a great source of calcium, protein, and fat. Skim milk is best to reduce fat intake. There are better options to milk as well like protein shakes and fruit juices. Do some research and select the right drink after or before your workout, choose the healthier alternative rather than the one that you just like.

6. Dieting unless coupled with a healthy exercise regime is imperfect. Whether weekly, daily or bi-weekly, including workout exercises in your life, will keep your abs flat and toned.

7. Cardiovascular exercises are necessary to tone and maintain six-pack abs. This workout is a favorite of sportsmen all over the world as it raises stamina and improves heart condition as well as an excellent way to lose fat. The time devoted to cardio workouts can vary starting from five minutes to 45 minutes per day. It is proven a fact that weight training combined with cardio workouts helps obtain a toned body.

8. If you are averse to spending time exercising within four walls, you can take your exercise outside. A nice morning walk or jog, an erect stance at a cocktail party, or impromptu workouts during your break time using a chair or the table as props can be beneficial, as well.

9. Add healthy fats to your diet; many people get scared by word fats, however; some fats are good for your health like fish oil, flaxseed oil, and extra virgin olive oil to name some. Try to incorporate them in your daily intake.

10. Lift Weights. People with lots of muscle can burn a lot more fat efficiently. For that reason Consequently, it is reasonable to assume that one should lift weights to build more muscle mass and get stronger. Being in a caloric deficit is the best 1-2 combo for fat loss known to man while lifting weights. If you do high rep, low rep, medium rep, the details do not matter. Just go out and lift some heavy things. You will be glad you did.


7 Tips To Burn​

Body fat is essential for your health and well-being. Fat has an extremely crucial role in hormonal balance, immunity, reproduction, thermal insulation, shock absorption and storage of food energy for use in the lean periods. However, excessive consumption of food and sedentary lifestyle may lead to excessive deposition of body fat. Excess fat is generally measured by body mass index (total weight divided by the square of your height). If the body mass index ranges 25 – 30, a person is considered overweight, while more than 30 is a clear indication of obesity.

It has been proven that excess weight and obesity is linked to several health complications like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

Even a leaner person may have excess body fat. The distribution of fat is more important than the body mass index ratio. Excessive fat deposition over your body organs will make you suffer from obesity-related health complications, even though you may have a lean body. Unfortunately, many people face excessive fat deposition over the belly areas. Most of our organs are located around the abdomen, and so fat deposition over the belly areas causes excessive fat over the organs and interferes with their normal functioning.

If your waist size is more than 40″ (35 for women), then it is evident that you have accumulated too much fat around your belly areas. A ‘D’ shaped body is mainly caused by the visceral fat (a deeper layer of fat) and this is the reason why burning belly fat is more difficult. Although the role of your genes cannot be ruled out, the health experts believe that visceral fat is the direct outcome of a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity and exercises are very crucial for burning your excess fat over the belly areas.

If you want to regain your flat abs, you have to follow at least 30 minutes exercise schedule for five days a week. It’s not necessary to join a gym for burning your belly fat. You can simply jog to a lean and healthy body. Any kinds of moderate activity will prevent any further deposition of visceral fat, but vigorous workouts are required for burning your belly fat. However, persistence is the key to your success. You must understand that burning belly fat will take time and you will achieve a perceptible difference after four or six weeks.

Diet is the next aspect of your plan to regain a fabulous body. If you keep on stuffing your body with fatty delicacies and sugary beverages, your exercise may not be sufficient to burn the excess food energy intake. Make sure to consult a health expert or research over the Internet for preparing your diet plan. As we all know, a balanced diet is necessary for your health and well-being. Consider fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. It has been observed that fiber-rich diet can be very instrumental in preventing the excessive buildup of visceral fat.

Stress management is very helpful in burning excess fat. Stress is part of our work and life, but if you know the skills of managing your stress level, your quality of sleep will improve and you will be less likely to build visceral fat. Exercises in combination with some kind of meditation or relaxing techniques (playing with kids, mingling with the family, etc.) will go a long way in controlling the fat deposition over the belly areas. Exercises will really make the difference.

Unfortunately, belly fat generally appears after the 30s when the responsibilities of raising children, taking care of the family and meeting the challenges at work hardly allow any time for exercises that are meant for burning fat. Some people are not prepared to incorporate vigorous workouts in their busy schedule. are the best option for such people. If you are unable to follow a vigorous exercise schedule due to any reasons, you can rely on supplements that are designed to boost your metabolism and burn extra fat. Natural fat burning pills in combination with certain belly fat burning exercises will improve your overall results. You will regain your flat abs more easily and quickly.


6 Exercises

There are many exercises that are not really effective when it comes to having a six pack abs. Sit-ups and crunches are mainstream methods of attaining six-pack abs. On the overhand, the chest-to-knees exercise is a harmful exercise for your back. On the contrary, working with some complex moves (excluding crunches and sit-ups), coupled with the nutritious diet can help in achieving the six-pack abs desired by the most.

Listed below are six exercises for achieving those ripped six-pack abs:

1. Pull-up

Clasp the pull-up bar a bit wider than the length of shoulders. Now bend your legs behind, take the shoulder blades in a downward and backward position, cross the feet, tighten your abs and squeeze the buttocks. Now follow these steps:

– Pull the entire body upwards till the collarbone is at level with the bar

– Repeat the exercise

– Perform 3 reps for optimum results

– Take one minute of rest between each rep

2. Medicine ball slam

Hold a medicine ball and keep it above your head.

– Maintain an upright posture

– Throw the ball downwards with full force

– Repeat the exercise for 3 reps

– Take one minute of rest in between.

3. Ab-wheel roll-out

The individual should position himself in a kneeling position. Hold an ab wheel’s handle keeping the shoulders and hands in sync. Now move the hips forward while rolling this ab-wheel outwards. Just an arm movement is required; keep the back flat at all times. If the body gets misbalanced, it’s time to stop the exercise.

– Repeat the exercise for 3 reps

– Take one minute of rest in between.

4. Pall-off press

Hold a D-handle and connect it to the cable cross machine. Fix the pulley to chest height. Stand at a two feet distance and pull the handle to your chest. Push the handle in a straight line so as to maintain the position of the exercise. Return the handle back to its original position.

– 10 reps for each side

– Take one-minute rest in between

5. Barbell landmine

The barbell is stuck between two walls in the corner. Hold the barbell by its one end and bring it close to your chest. Using both hands, press barbell out from the chest with laced fingers. Keep the arms in line, move the shoulders to one side and onto to the other. Now, return to original position.

– Repeat this exercise for 3 reps

– Take one-minute break

6. Pendulum

With back on the floor, raise the legs to a 90-degree angle, analogous to a right angled triangle. Keeping the legs straight up, bring them down on the floor to left and then right. This technique hurts quite a bit in the gut.

– Repeat the process multiple times

– Take one-minute break

Hope you found those exercises helpful and don’t forget to share for more articles like that.

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