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So you’ve been cranking out your chest pressing movements with full intensity and focus… you’re progressing in weight and reps every week… your nutrition and supplementation is down pat… and your chest still isn’t growing the way you want it to?

You’re not alone.

While proper chest training may be simple on paper, the real key to explosive chest growth is in the execution. And this is an area where most trainees, quite frankly, royally screw up.

Most people know that the core foundation of any effective chest workout is heavy pressing; barbell presses and dumbbell presses performed on either a flat, incline or decline bench. (Wide-grip dips also fall into this category)

But as you probably also know, chest pressing is a compound movement that involves more than just the pecs. Your triceps and anterior delts (the front of the shoulder) are also heavily recruited.

The key to effective pressing is to minimize the involvement of the triceps and front delts while maximizing the involvement of the chest.

Yet, this is precisely the opposite of what most trainees do in the gym.

By using incorrect pressing technique, their triceps and front delts get absolutely hammered, while their chest receives moderate stimulation and thus, moderate growth.

The good news is that all it takes are 3 simple shifts in your form to immediately direct that muscle stimulating tension OFF of your triceps and shoulders and straight onto your chest.

Apply these 3 tips below and you’ll be amazed at the difference you feel…

Chest Workout Tip #1

Keep your shoulder blades retracted throughout the movement.


By pinching your shoulder blades together and keeping them there as you press the weight up and down, your pecs end up taking on more of the load.

You can test this out for yourself right now as you read this…

Perform a regular pressing motion with your shoulder blades completely flat. Now perform one with your shoulder blades retracted.

Feel the difference?

Chest Workout Tip #2

Keep a small arch in your lower back.


If you go overboard on this you’ll actually end up bringing your lats into the movement, but a small arch in your lower back will further increase the stimulation on your pecs.

Chest Workout Tip #3

Push through elbows rather than your hands.


This one takes a bit of getting used to but will make a huge difference in your ability to limit tricep/delt involvement and maximize chest stimulation.

The simplest way to describe this is to pretend that your hands and forearms don’t even exist. Instead, place 100% of your focus on simply pressing your elbow up and across your body.

When you press through your hand, your triceps become heavily involved in the movement. By pressing through your elbow, triceps involvement is minimized while pec involvement is maximized.

Get this one nailed down and the difference you’ll feel in your chest will be like night and day.

That’s all there is to it.

Retract your shoulder blades. Arch your lower back. Press through your elbows.

Greater pec stimulation, greater pec growth.

I should note that if you do employ these techniques as outlined you will have to scale back a bit on the amount of weight you’re using. That’s because when you execute these tips properly, most of the stress  is placed onto the chest while the surrounding muscles are largely taken out of the equation.

This is completely fine and should not be something to concern yourself with.

Bodybuilding is about exactly that – building your body. And building your body is a direct function of the amount of overload you place onto the target muscles and NOT about the objective amount of weight you’re lifting.

If your primary concern during a chest workout is to impress the girls at the gym (who, by the way, could care less about how big your bench press is) then that’s up to you…

But if you really want to build your pecs with maximum efficiency and pack on as much muscle size as possible, leave your ego at the door. Instead, put all of your focus on maximally recruiting your pecs through proper form (as described above) and a good mind-muscle connection.

Happy chest training.

Top 10 best exercises for bigger chest- Bodybuilding exercises


Top 10 best exercises


It is but natural for men to aspire to build chest muscles. Well, not all guys really want to work out their chest muscles for varied reasons but it is a fact that all guys want a nice-looking chest. A great-looking chest will instantly make a guy look hotter and that is surely going to be an attention-grabber. The reason behind this male chest craze is that the male chest is one of the most attractive assets of a guy. It follows then that toning and building this particular muscle area will definitely make all the girls crazy over you.

There is an effective way to build chest muscles. In your workouts and when you are working on your chest, take into consideration the anatomy of your chest. There are four major parts of your muscles that you need to know and work on in your strength training exercises so you can build chest muscles quickly. For you to reap the results fast in building your chest muscles, you need to employ an effective exercise routine that will hit all the four muscle groups.

Working on each of the four muscle groups is relatively easier and more effective in this type of approach. These chest muscles are the upper chest muscle, the lower chest muscle, the inner chest muscle, and the outer chest muscle. Your main objective now is to tone and define each of the muscle groups that were mentioned above. By doing so, you are guaranteed that you are working out the right places and quick results can be attained.
There a few simple weight lifting exercises that will help build a well-defined chest.

1.Barbell Bench Press

This workout is quite effective in building the chest. The standard, incline, or decline barbell bench exercises make for an effective chest workout. You work most chest muscles with these exercises but your range of motion is not as great as with other chest workouts. The more weight you can handle the more intense your chest muscles will work and react.

2.Dumbbell Press

Dumbbell presses are perhaps the best chest workouts you can do. This particular workout has the incline, standard, and decline dumbbell press exercises. They are very effective on working the entire chest area. They are better than the barbell workout because they offer you a greater range of motion. A greater range of motion allows more muscles to work. Moreover, you can also add military dumbbell presses to get the best effect
3.Wide-Grip Dips

This exercise is very basic but very powerful. It will put an enormous amount of stress on the chest muscles. The wider your grip is, the greater the stress on your chest. There are machines that will add resistance with a weight belt for you to increase your workout.

4.Low Cable crossovers

Low Cable crossovers are an inner pectoral exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension. High Cable crossovers will also work the difficult to reach inner Pectorals.

5.Close grip bench press

Close grip bench press, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, and they also give a good workout to the triceps. Bench press-Wide grip will work the outer chest muscles.
6.Dumbbell Flyers
Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles, but you really have to squeeze them together. Just like the bench press, you can adjust the angle in which you attack the muscles. Wide gripped dips work the chest, and the angle of your elbows will determine what area of the chest you’re working out.

7.Seated Machine Chest Press

The machine press is beneficial because the great free- weight move along a flat bench both in the eccentric and concentric phases repeatedly


the best exercise for your pectorals has to be the push-up. It’s an action that requires no weights, and just your body to perform it. Simply rest on your hands and knees to start. Push back your feet to rest upon the balls of feet. Make sure your palms are face down and set shoulder width apart. Lower your body down as far as you can without straining then raise yourself back up to starting.Pushups generally are best done in reps of 20. Do two sets at a time. Rest for about in between sets. If you have wrist problems, remember to push down into the knuckle of your palm. This will take pressure off your wrist and allow you to complete the sets without pain.

9. Pec-Deck Machine

The peck deck is hit last by the chest routine for a duration of 10-12.Do partial reps and drop sets, pumping out multiple times until possibility failure occurs

10. Incline Dumbbell Pull-Over

Pull-over workout the shoulder extension that is the upper arm is moved rearward),!

Pull-overs at the far end of your exercise for sets of twelve. On each and every set, the last rep holds the contraction peak for a duration of five seconds.

*.Chest flys
Chest flys can be used in place of pushups until your wrists are strong enough to handle the workout.
In summary:

Upper Chest Muscles

To build upper chest muscles, your best chest exercise routine should include an incline barbell bench press and dumbbell flyes.

Lower Chest Muscles

Decline barbell bench press, parallel bar dips, and decline dumbbell flyes are the best Chest workout for this particular muscle group.

Inner Chest Muscles

For building inner chest muscles, try incorporating standing cable crossovers and flat bench dumbbell flyes in your workout.

Outer Chest Muscles

For toning the outer chest muscles, the most recommended exercise routines are flat bench barbell presses and flat bench dumbbell flyes.

When you vary your routines with these exercises it will help to prevent you from reaching a plateau in your training. Now it is important that you also realize that nutrition and rest are equally important.
Doing bench presses really help train those pectoral muscles! You start by lying on the floor or on a bench. Take a dumbbell of similar weight in each hand. Your elbows should be leveled in a line, making your arms look like “L” shapes. Raise the weights upward to meet each other then lower them back down to a level start. Never let your elbows dip below the bench or touch the floor.
So how does knowing these four areas help you build chest muscles? Easy. Just adopt a chest exercise that will hit all the muscle groups mentioned above. Here are some recommended exercises to build chest muscles:
Being aware of the right exercise regimen to build chest muscle is your first step to achieving your objective. It is important that you persevere and be diligent so that you can the desired results fast. Keep in mind that proper execution of your exercise routines is key to achieving success in this bodybuilding endeavor.


Build A Bigger Chest

Let’s face it: A vast number of guys are crazy about build a bigger chest. After all, why shouldn’t they? A massive chest looks awesome and stands for strength and your ability to push stuff around explosively. That being said, most of those guys end up training dead wrong, keeping themselves from gaining a bigger chest. Here are 4 of the most common mistakes you will see people do at the gym and how you can avoid them.


The biggest mistake people make in their chest workout is that they only do pushing exercises, or the volume of pressing work outweighs the amount of squeezing exercises tremendously. Let’s just take a quick look the bench press. It is one of the most known exercises out there, even someone with no idea of training will know it. If you want to build a massive, powerful chest you have to do squeezing exercises! This of vast importance, because for some people the ideal ratio is, believe it or not, 50/50.


Shoulders and triceps are of huge importance for your chest training – when they’re sore you won’t be able to overload your chest as hard as you could. You will move less weight than you could with your triceps and shoulders being rested. Don’t train your triceps and anterior deltoid 1-2 days before your chest workout. Doing so will decrease the amount of strength potential in these muscles and will ultimately lead to moving less weight.


Many advanced people fall into the trap of keeping their chest training too short. Once you have come to a certain level, you won’t be able to ensure ongoing chest growth. Doing supersets and other techniques to add intensity and spare time is a good thing, nothing against that. However, don’t cut your chest workouts too short. It won’t be enough to train your chest for just 30 minutes. Once you’re advanced and got some mass on your chest, you need to workout chest with intensity for 50-60 minutes. Don’t do a complete pushing workout. No shoulders, no triceps. Chest only.


Not only the time under tension during a set is important for stimulation muscle growth. You should always consider the right amount of time for your rest in between sets. Basically speaking: The higher the intensity, the more rest will your body need to perform at the same level in your next set. Doing low rep sets with a high intensity or supersets will take you a longer time to recover and do the same thing again. Make sure you know how long it takes your body to recover between your sets to keep the rest intervals as short as possible. For the best hypertrophic response, never rest longer than necessary.

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